Zero Waste

Our candles are our rock stars on our red carpet. 

Our choice to aim for zero waste has come from a want to reduce our impact on our beautiful environment for Little Big Man's generation and those that follow.

We've chosen packaging options that are minimal yet practical and can be reused, renewed, recycled, repurposed or in some cases, composted. These are better for the planet & it lets our products speak for themselves.

Bringing us one step closer to zero waste, we offer our customer’s a candle re-pour service. Why buy a new candle when the heat proof candle jar can be refilled? It doesn't stop there however. This service has enabled people to take any heat proof glass or tin vessels and whip them into candles as well as gifts for people. 

Whilst our primary product is "The Man Candle", we have a huge range of scents that cater to everybody's noses for the "repurposing" of vessels.